Here are links to help you set up for

Facebook Live

Instagram Live

Other Options for Livestreaming

We are super excited and grateful that you want to teach an online workshop/group lesson! In this time of social distancing, musics powerful role to bring us together as a community is more important than ever.             

Once you decide which platform you would like to use (Facebook Live, Instagram Live, Zoom, etc.) for your workshop, register as a performer, but use a name that reflects its educational nature, such as “Guitar Workshop with Jane Doe”.  Once that profile is complete, “Create an event” to enter the URL for your livestream.

We like to give a special shout-out to educational events, so please drop us a line at mmc@imfchicago.org to let us know what you are organizing. We can help amplify your event by sharing it with organizations that are looking for these kinds of educational opportunities for their patrons, like the Chicago Public Libraries and the Chicago Park District.  They can help spread the word through their social media channels.  You can also reach out to venues registered in the system, who can also heIp promote your event.

By the way, if you are a music educator and have a student who likes to compose, please encourage them to enter the nationwide Young Composers Competition. Also, if you enjoy making homemade instruments and sharing your creations, check out the Bash the Trash initiative. 

If you also want to perform for Make Music Chicago, click here.

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